Trijicon RMR footprint standard

Trijicon RMR footprint standard

Which red dots will be working with the Trijicon mount? Will you be able to install Holosun 507C on the same plate as Trijicon RMR red dot sight? We cover the full compatibility of the footprint in this article.

Footprint compatibility explained

What does a “footprint” mean? The term footprint refers to a sctructure of the sockets and screw holes on the base of the optic device.

And what does it mean if the footprints are compatible? Each optic sight has some base for mounting. The base consists of pins on various positions and holes for screws used for fixation of the sight to the mount.

If any two sights use the same base for mounting, we call that that they share the same footprint. In this article we show which red dots share the same footprint.

Trijicon RMR footprint pattern

RMR footprint consists of two sockets in the front and two screw holes in the middle of the sight.

The front socketes are 22,5mm / 0.89 inches far from each other, each positioned in the corner of the front of the sight. Position of these two sockets corresponds to position of pins that are on a mounting surface of any mount for this standard.

The screw holes are positioned cca in the middle of the optic device. These function for fixation of the sight to the mount. These two screw holes are 18,8mm / 0.74 inches far from each other.

The screws that are to be used for these screw holes are always included in the package with the sight.

Compatible red dots

RMR is one of the most common footprints on the market.

Below you can find complete list of sights that will work with Trijicon footprint.

Trijicon RMR standard

How to mount red dot with Trijicon RMR footprint

It depends on what device you want to mount it.

  • Will you install it on a a picatinny mount? I.e. gun equipped with picatinny rail? Then you need to look for picatinny mount with RMR footprint.
  • Or will you mount it on a pistol? And will the pistol be optics ready (with pistol slide cut for red dot). Then you need to look for red dot mount with RMR footprint.
  • Or will it be standard pistol without such cut? Then you need to look for optic plate with RMR footprint.

Other footprint standards

There are many different bases for red dot sights, but the other most common are following: